Empowering students to ask tough questions and problem solve using science + engineering practices

Important News

High School State Fair: April 4, 2025 at Gillette Stadium

Middle School State Fair: May 10, 2025 in Worcester

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The value of the science & engineering fair journey

Science fair is a process as well as an event. The research experience allows students to guide their own science or engineering investigation, gathering valuable skills and experiences along the way.


A Fair project employs the scientific method or engineering design process, engaging students in independent investigation. Revision, reflection, and communication are core to the process.

Students explore projects across a range of topics using procedures and methods of scientific research, engineering design, computer science, and mathematics.


The process provides students with the opportunity to guide their learning on a topic they are passionate about, while building a variety of practical skills – from quantitative, to analytical, to presentation – giving them the tools to launch their STEM future. Each student has a unique project journey, leading to academic growth and personal self-discovery.


Any middle or high school student in Massachusetts is eligible to participate and is welcomed.

Middle School students must be in 6th-8th grade.

High School students must be in 9th-12th grade.

Eligibility is based on school affiliation. Learn more here.


Students from across Massachusetts can participate, whether rural, suburban, or urban. If eligible they may compete at a Regional or State competition, bringing students together from across the Commonwealth.

The regional map and associated event pages can be found at www.scifair.com/fairs.

The fact that I could take this research and apply it to the world went beyond my notebook. All I’ve ever wanted to do is to make a difference—take my passion to make an impact in my community.

Freya Proudman, MSEF alumnus

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