Event Harassment Policy

Adults are expected to assist in ensuring a safe and educational environment and venue for students by notifying MSEF of any concerns during MSEF events. MSEF prohibits harassment of any kind against any student, volunteer, or employee by an Adult, another student, volunteer, MSEF employee or third party for any reason including, but not limited to: age, national origin, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, ancestry and/or veteran status. Harassment includes but is not limited to slurs, epithets, threats, derogatory comments, unwelcome jokes, and teasing.

Any student or other person who feels that he or she is a victim of such harassment at an MSEF event should promptly report the matter to an MSEF employee or other adult volunteer who must immediately present it to the proper MSEF authority. If an MSEF employee or adult volunteer becomes aware of such a situation, he or she is under the responsibility to report to the proper MSEF authority. Upon receipt of an allegation(s), an investigation will be initiated. All such reports will be handled as confidentially as possible. MSEF may take appropriate action against any person found to have violated the harassment policy.

No adverse action or retaliation will be allowed to be taken against a person who reports a violation or who participates in an investigation of this policy in good faith. Knowingly false accusations are prohibited and will be treated by disciplinary action comparable to that which would be applied to actual misconduct.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of or by any person in attendance at an MSEF event is prohibited. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature including, but not limited to, drawings, pictures, jokes, teasing, or uninvited touching.

In accordance with this policy, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexual demands, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature will constitute sexual harassment when:

  • The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an affected person’s performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; or in third party situations, one or more individuals are reasonably offended by the sexual interaction, conduct, or communications between others.
  • The conduct has the effect of creating actual, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest, favoritism, disruption or lack of objectivity.

Any student or other person who feels that he or she is a victim of sexual harassment at an MSEF event should promptly report the matter to an MSEF employee or other adult volunteer who must immediately present it to the proper MSEF authority. If an MSEF employee or adult volunteer becomes aware of such a situation, he or she is under a responsibility to contact the proper authority. Upon receipt of an allegation(s), an investigation will be initiated. All such reports will be handled as confidentially as possible. MSEF may take appropriate action against any person found to have violated the sexual harassment policy.

No adverse action or retaliation will be allowed to be taken against a person who reports a violation or who participates in and investigation of this policy in good faith. Knowingly false accusations are prohibited and will be treated by disciplinary action comparable to that which would be applied to actual misconduct. s