A Two-Day Professional Learning Opportunity for Grades 9-12 Educators
Explore instructional strategies that promote student sensemaking, including phenomena-based instruction, using a Driving Question Board, and student discourse. The learning experiences will use science and/or engineering content relevant to the OpenSciEd high school units under development and being released in 2024. Gain insight into phenomena-based instruction and consider its power for promoting students’ deep understanding of Disciplinary Core Ideas, further develop your skills in using the Science and Engineering Practices, and strengthen your use of the Crosscutting Concepts of science and engineering. Get an introduction to the use of storylines to build instructional units that foster students’ sensemaking by starting with students’ questions and having students develop and engage in inquiry-based investigations, develop explanations, and use evidence to support their claims.
April 25-26
8:30 – 3:30 PM