A science or engineering fair project is an opportunity for you to deeply investigate a topic you are passionate about using the same scientific methods or engineering design processes as professionals. Your journey to becoming Science Fair Ready begins here.
This page provides links to MSEF resources and sources of inspiration.
The following podcast episodes outline the pathway. Find more guides, tools and opportunities here.
Students need the support of qualified adults to complete a project. Make sure you review the High School Science Fair Ready Checklist or the Middle School Science Fair Ready FAQs – both found at www.scifair.com/resources. These will provide the information and steps you need to follow to participate.
For help starting a project: Consult the materials on this page. You can also use and adapt this planning template. Download or make a copy to your drive.
For project submission once you have a research plan: Teachers must have an account in the Regional zFairs page so students can choose their name on registration. Please review the zFairs tutorials at MAHS.zfairs.com (9-12th grade) or MAMS.zfairs.com (6-8th grade) for more information.
Sometimes it feels like the hardest part of science fair is getting started.
MSEF has recorded several videos from a variety of STEM professionals and MSEF Alumni.
Check out the video links on our YouTube Channel @MassScienceFair.
There are a lot of great resources online that can provide inspiration for a project or background data for a topic you’ve already chosen. Check out these links. Email [email protected] if you have others you’d like to share with your fellow students.
Find more curated resources through these MSEF videos.
It is still an acceptable project if you disprove your hypothesis, weren’t able to complete enough tests, or were not successful in other ways. Being able to identify problems and articulate what you could have done differently shows judges that you have an understanding of your project area. Sometimes we actually learn more about the process and ourselves when things don’t go to plan. MSEF Alumni report that the mistakes they made in Middle School and High School projects helped them be stronger in STEM, both academically and professionally.
Data from past Science Fair winners has not shown that lab access provides an advantage. While some projects certainly benefit from access to lab equipment and resources, there are many project areas where it is not needed or appropriate. As long as you aren’t working with restricted materials that need a lab, judges appreciate and respect the ingenuity of creating materials and improvising. You can also consider exploring data analysis, computer modeling, social science or environmental studies among many other focal areas.
Consult the Fairs page on this website to find your region and contact information. Paperwork and approvals must follow deadlines for your regional fair. Please consult your regional contacts for questions about the fair event.
MSEF can provide additional support for resources, opportunities, and trouble-shooting during your project work.
Communication through zFairs and from the SRC goes to the Teacher.
In most cases the teacher is also the “Adult Sponsor” on the project, in which case they have additional responsibilities as well.
As a teacher alone, they are responsible for:
Student eligibility is based on school. See more details on the Student Eligibility Policy HERE.
Create and adjust this TEMPLATE to ask a teacher for support.