Hold Harmless & Media Release 

This Hold Harmless and Media Release are in place for the 2023-2024 School Year for all MSEF programs.

Permission will be given on submitted student paperwork that acknowledges that this statement is read and understood. Agreement to the Media Release is optional. Please indicate your willingness on the permissions forms.


Parents/guardians of participating students agree to the Hold Harmless statements below.

  • I/We have read and understand the Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair, Inc. (“MSEF”) registration materials and the MSEF Ethics Statement. 
  • I/We hereby grant consent to myself/my child participating in this project and I authorize my child to create an online account to enter necessary information for use with their science fair project. 
  • I/We agree to hold harmless Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF) and their directors, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors, contributors, and contractors against any injury, liability, and claims resulting from my child’s participation in the MSEF and additional fairs to which my child may earn an invitation to participate. My child and I are fully responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to the science fair rules, safety protocols, and ethics. Failure to comply with the research rules and ethics, including misrepresenting one’s work will result in rejection of my child’s science research or engineering project proposal and/or disqualification of the child’s project entry at the actual event even if the registration and project proposal was approved.  


I give my permission for and grant MSEF the irrevocable right to: 

  • With permission from the student, interview my child and/or record their participation in a Program and appearance on video tape, audio tape, film, photograph or any other media, whether now known or hereafter existing (the “Recordings”). 
  • Use their name, likeness, and/or voice in connection with the Recordings and in keeping with MSEF policies and mission statement. 
  • Use, reproduce, distribute, publicly display and/or publicly perform, either electronically or by any other media, whether now known or hereafter existing, and to allow others to do the same, my child’s name, likeness or voice, the Recordings, in whole or in part worldwide, without restrictions or limitations, in perpetuity, for any purpose related to MSEF’s mission, including without limitation, promotional or educational. 
  • I agree to release MSEF and its trustees, officers, employees, students, volunteers, and agents from any liability to me, and on behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns, based upon or arising out of use of my child’s name, likeness or voice, or the Recordings. 
  • I agree to make no accounting, monetary or other claim against MSEF for use of my child’s name, likeness or voice, the Recordings.