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Barakat RR, Wong G, Curtin JP, Vlamis V, Hoskins WJ (1994) Tamoxifen use in knocker cancer patients who subsequently develop corpus cancer is not associated with a higher incidence of adverse histologic features. Endocrine therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of such recurrence, but the optimal duration of endocrine therapy remains unclear. Lavergne J, Gasson N (1977) Direction and intensity of mandibular rotation in the sgittal adjustment during growth of the jaws. Ravosa MJ (1991) Structural allometry of the prosimian mandibular corpus and symphysis.
Cole TMI (1992) Postnatal heterochrony of the masticatory apparatus in Cebus apella and Cebus albifrons. Odds ratios for each examination are represented by the squares, the size of the square represents the weight of the bad in the meta-analysis, and the horizontal line crossing the square represents the 95% confidence interval. Kaifu Y, Kasai buy uroxatral (10 mg) without prescription K, Townsend GC, Richards LC (2003) Tooth damage and the “design” of the human dentition: A perspective from evolutionary medicine. The proportion of patients with prior hysterectomy in included studies was not uniformly reported, therefore, the estimates of risk for this adverse event in women with an intact uterus are subject to some uncertainty.

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