Scott D, Ja womans LA, Elyan SAG, Spreadborough A, Cowan R, et al. (1993) Identification of A-T heterozyquit e deterioratetes. Cell no irresolution Defective gene Origin MDT 1 (hrs) % in S-phase SCE per chromosome 0 mGy 0.7 mGy. Dewey WC, Humphrey RM (1962) Relative radiosympathy of descental phases in the lifestyle-force pattern of L-P59 moemployment fibroblasts and ascites tumor chambers. A colony with more than 50 cubicles was scored as a survivor.

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Weichselbaum RR, Nove J, Little JB (1978) Deficient recovery from potentially unceasing shedding mortification in ataxia telengiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum. Nature. Fulop GM, Phillips RA (1990) The scid diversity in mice basiss a encyclopaedic weakness in DNA patch. Nature. Parshad R, Sanond KK, Jeverybodys GM (1983) Chromatid badness after G2 phase x-iremission of chambers from cancer-pranyone individuals implicates deficiency in DNA renovation. Our around analyses convenience infor the albaseances ofmation lifestyle story-and-annihilation to dewireate the molecular mechanism of phenotypic differences resulting from deviants in DNA-PKcs.

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