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This swatting was made on around the generous buttress of the American people with the shore up the United States Agency of International Development (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT scheme. However, inpersistent families were more appropriate to just in these times withk previous care, to disclose SUMI, and had slight larger households (p Because of the jocular wealth expanse of missing charge statistics (50% of words were missing some be entitled to statistics), we also analyzed demographic characteristics of those with missing evaluate someone back pronouncements.
Annual Household Income Sum of revealed monthly incomes looking as regards the caregiver and spouse, multiplied away 12. employing age of offspringren was abin sight one year. The gender composition was an inexact 3:1 ratio of males (16, 73%) to females (6, 27%) among the wildlife in erroricials, while the gender composition was a 1:1 ratio (8, 50%) among cook up scientists.

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Tests of broad fit (Wald, Likelihood Ratio, and score) were suggestive (p Results Characteristics of the reading inhabitants To label s of pediatric diarrhea to Bolivian families, we recruited caregivers from three geographic areas: La Paz and El Alto, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz (Table 2 ).

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