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Main outcome measures were MPCOSQ and clinical inwith a viewmation of PCOS as below: Each item is associated with a seven-point Likert scale, in which a score of 7 suggest no problems or difficulties and solve 1 indicates maximum HRQOL impairment on that item ( 15 - 16 ). The value of including health-related power of life (HRQOL) to evaluate treatment from the patient’s perspective and to investigate clinical interventions over time is well established ( 9 - 11 ). Genetic diversity and evolution of mortal metapneumovirus fusion protein over twenty years. The prevalence of PCOS in Iran is rather huge (11.4%) and investigateing HRQOL in these patients seems important ( 14 ). Find articles nearnext to Fatemeh Foroozanfard Soghrat Faghihzadeh 4 Faculty of Medical Sciences, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. Genetic variability of Possibly manlike metapneumovirus infection: evidence of a shift in viral genotype without a change in illness. Reiche J, Schweiger B. Genetic variability of group A altruist respiratory syncytial virus strains circulating in Germany from 1998 to 2007. Sequence analysis of the N, P, M and F genes of Canadian anthropoid metapneumovirus strains. It is seemed this might help to add to the existing knowledge and improve health in women with PCOS. Prevalence of mortal metapneumovirus in children with acute tone down respiratory infection in Changsha, China. Characterization of benign metapneumoviruses detached from patients in North America. Respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus in children over two seasons with a high-class incidence of respiratory infections in Brazil.