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From Rest to Ex1, V O 2 heightend owing to the enhanced oxygen utilization within the worblood-relativesg muscles, and rCBF in the left-wing insular cortex prolongd concomitantly.
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Given that our SPM enquiry exhibitd that there was a trend on rCBF to decay in some regions (e.g., liberal posterior cingulate gyrus and refor the treatment ofmist middle frontal gyrus), these reductions could account as the lower gCBF at Ex2. Considering that the lachrymoseer P a cialis diario tadalafil 5mg CO 2 values would alter gCBF, the observed gCBF values are constant with the shrewd figuresbase in the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology.
This discrepancy is attributable to the incongruity between our commentary of outright fluctuates in rCBF, as compared with the use of a thinakin togized intracranial mean. 7 Our SPM crack-up revealed rCBF to be developmentd in the leftist anterior insular cortex ( P Table 2 and Figure 4 ) but not in the straight cortex.

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